Wednesday, November 21, 2012

technical difficulties

For those of you who follow me, I must apologize for the craziness this morning.  I accidentally deleted a post with bulletin board ideas.  Thanks to Google, I was able to find a way to recover it.  While re-posting of it, I was trying to post it with the exact URL so that those who have pinned, bookmarked, etc it would be able to find it without a lot of hassle. I ended up posting the same thing several times.  I still haven't gotten it exactly right but it is on the blog and that is what matters.

So sorry for filling up your feeder or inbox.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!  And Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends.  (I am in Canada so it is off to work for the rest of the week for me!) 

Monday, September 03, 2012

Bulletin Boards Now Available for Purchase!

Some of the Bulletin Boards you see on this blog are now available for purchase from my Etsy shop or Teachers Pay Teachers.  Just purchase the desired bulletin board and instantly download a PDF file.  You just need to print, trim and paste a few parts before hanging up in your classroom or hallway!

Family & Consumer Sciences is LOADS of fun!  Bulletin Board
Who are You? Personal Roles Bulletin Board

Family Types Bulletin Board

Thursday, July 12, 2012

even more bulletin board ideas...

 I promised more bulletin board ideas and here they are.  They are not perfect in any way but hopefully they will provide inspiration for an idea that will work for your classroom/school.

Learn to Speak "Patternese".  This was one of my first bulletin boards.  I wanted something that would help teach my students the language of patterns- a.k.a. patternese.  Lame.  I know.  I found an old pattern piece and then labeled each part.  I also included a scrap of fabric for the selvage, a blurb about the grain as well as a mini piece explaining a fold line.  For the border I used measuring tapes as we had a gazillion laying around.

This is one of the bulletin boards I created for one of my masters projects.  A FFA (Future Farmers of America) adviser asked me to create something inspired by the Snapple commercials to display the many photos he had from a variety of events.  The idea is all his and his assistant.  I just executed it.  I think it's fun.  I put 2 FFA symbols over pictures of Snapple bottles.  Not sure if that is wrong or not... but I think it added to the whole theme. 

Another Masters project made for someone else advertising FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America).  I found all of the information on their website and just typed it all up in an organized way- Mission Statement, Purpose, Creed, Fun Facts, Programs and what it is!  I included blank pages for her to include the names of her advisers, student leaders and happenings in their chapter!  I connected everything with red and white ribbon- the official FCCLA colors!

The finished product from her classroom- including bags of sugar to represent how much is in different foods.

Yet another board for someone else.  She requested a board explaining calories in vs. calories out.  I explained that 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories.  In order to lose a pound, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories.  This can be done by eating fewer calories and burning extra calories through physical activity.  I also included a list of activities to explain how many calories they burn (such as shoveling snow for an hour will burn 360 calories).  To help encourage students (and teachers) to make wiser choices at their favorite restaurants, I presented a high calorie food vs. a lower calorie food.  On some I included a speech bubble explaining how many hours of a certain activity they would have to do to burn it off.

The above photo is what the final bulletin board looked like in the classroom of the teacher I made it for.  It's a little blurry but you get the idea.  She had her students research sugar amounts in different foods and represent the amounts with bags of sugar.
The below photos are what I took of the information before I mailed it out.  I didn't have a classroom to use so I hung everything up on my kitchen wall- thus the drab background and horrible everything.  :)  

What it looked like on my kitchen wall.  Not perfect but a little easier to see the big picture.

Sew... This is a simple yet informative bulletin board teaching the different equipment used in sewing.  Underneath each picture is the name of the item and a brief description of what it is used for.

Another bulletin board made for another teacher.  The topic she requested was Body Mass Index. Each box explains something different about BMI answering the questions: What is BMI?  Is it 100% accurate?  How is it calculated?  What do the numbers mean?  Is BMI the same for everyone? 
Then included lists of possible effects of a high and low BMI, as well as the charts to see it visually.

This Who are You?  bulletin board alternated with my Patternese board.  This board started the semester as the first unit was Personal Development.  This is such a simple (almost boring) bulletin board but it filled the space and hopefully made them think about the different roles they play.  I did find a piece of mirror-like scrapbook paper that I put in the middle of it the last few times I put it up- but a real mirror would work better although would likely become the place for makeup and hair checking rather than pondering who they are.  ha.

Some of the Bulletin Boards you see on this blog are now available for purchase from my etsy shop  or Teachers Pay Teachers!  Just purchase the desired bulletin board and instantly download a PDF file.  You just need to print, trim and paste a few parts before hanging up in your classroom or hallway!  If you would like the printing, trimming and pasting done for you, let me know.  The final cost will be higher and shipping will be charged!

If there is a bulletin board you see on here and would like to purchase, please contact me by leaving a comment, convo-ing me through etsy or emailing me at imasewingmachine at gmail dot com.  If I made it, I would love to share it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

more bulletin board ideas

Some of the bulletin boards you see on this blog are now available for purchase from my etsy shop or Teachers Pay Teachers.  Just purchase the desired bulletin board and instantly download a PDF file.  You just need to print, trim and paste a few parts before hanging up in your classroom or hallway!  If you would like the printing, trimming and pasting done for you, let me know.  The final cost will be higher and shipping will be charged!

If there is a bulletin board you see on here and would like to purchase, please contact me by leaving a comment, contacting me through one of my shops or emailing me at apples2zippers(at)gmail(dot)com.  If I made it, I would love to share it.

Now to the bulletin boards...

I recently (1.5 years ago) finished my Masters in Family & Consumer Sciences. One of my projects was all about bulletin boards. I LOVE creating bulletin boards. I had FACS teachers from all over contact me with topics they wanted turned into a bulletin board. Here are some of those creations. Please forgive some of the photos. I took a picture of each one before I sent it off to the teacher- and I actually assembled the boards on my dining room wall, which doesn't have the greatest light.

Please contact me with any questions about any of the boards.

Measuring Equipment:
Divided them into 3 categories: measuring spoons, dry measuring cups, liquid measuring cups. Shares the sizes they come in, what ingredients are measured and how to use them.
NOTE: This bulletin board is available for purchase at Teachers Pay Teachers!

Wash Your Hands:
2005: This was one of my first bulletin boards I made when I started teaching! See below for my updated version! 
2015: Updated but still full of interesting (and disgusting) facts!

Hand Washing. This is always an important lesson to teach. I had students trace their hands on different colored construction paper to create a border. Then found some interesting (and kind of disgusting) facts to display!

Family Types:

This board was inspired by the stickers people have on their cars to show the members of their family. I created a ton of combinations- represented each family with people, the type and a definition. To finish it off, I included a quote about families from Barbara Bush- "Family means putting your arms around each other and being there." What a lovely quote!

International Foods:

The countries featured in the class are displayed on methods of travel. The things learned (what you will take with you) is displayed on luggage. Pretty sure I found all of the pictures from clipart or google images.

Stay tuned. More to come. I promise.