Thursday, June 18, 2009


I made these signs a couple years ago when my students seem to think the fridges were there for them to investigate. They would look in them for food, drinks or anything else that might suit their fancies. Some teachers are okay with that.

I am not. Not that I have anything to hide.

I just like my space to untouched by teenagers. Especially when I see what they do/scratch (or don't do- like wash) with their hands.

I left the signs at my old school so I made new ones for my new school. I made "Do Not Open" ones for the fridges and "Do Not Enter" ones for the pantry and office.

Feel free to use them as you wish!!
These signs are available for FREE at Teachers Pay Teachers.  Check it out!

I know this is probably a silly question... but there is a reason why I am not an English teacher- it is teacher's right? Not teachers. Just checking.


Maria Gabrielle said...

You are 100% correct. It's teacher's not teachers. Cool blog.

Melanie said...

I think I'll make one of your "Do Not Open" signs this year for our student textbooks. If I tell them "no" they will surely want to open them!

Unknown said...

Excellent idea with the stop signs, I see we are not the only one's with this problem.